Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
The Committee of public grounds presented their report, upon the Petition of & others, (to have Wight St opened,) which was accepted, & adopted, whereby It was Ordered that Wight Street be opened from Warsaw Street, East to Winchester Street, at the expence of Petitioners.
Colr. obtained leave to retract the assignment made by him, upon the 17th. day of feby. 1842, of his pay as a member of this Council, so far as the amount which will pay his City Taxes for the year 1842, & he retracted same accordingly.
<Cert. given.>
It is hereby ordered by the City Council &c, that the do pay to out of the funds in the Treasury, a sum equal in Amount to the Taxes due by him to the for the year 1842, & the Collectors of the City Taxes <do receive the> [illegible] hereby Order [3 words illegible] this <Cert of the when presented to them,> Order in payment of <> said taxes, if presented to them <due by for the year1842,> & endorse such payments thereon, & the will accept said Certfe in the payments <& settlements> to be made with him by the said Collectors.
Adjourned at 12 oClock (noon,) until next regular Meeting.
Friday May 12th. 1843. special meeting convened at 9 oC. A. M. by the Mayor.—
, elected president pro tem.— Meeting was opened by prayer. Names of the Council were called. <reading of the> Minutes of the last meeting dispensed with, until next meeting.
The City laid before the Council, a letter received by him, from the Secy. of State of this , since the last meeting of Council, stating <in part> “that hereafter no commissions will be issued to any City officers, but on the Certificate of the Clerk of the County Commissioners Court, certifying that such Persons elect, have filed in his office, bond as required by law of Justices of the Peace, you [p. 14]