Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Motiond & seconded <and carried> that C. be delegated to prese[n]t the same to Congress.
Mayor proposed a combind delegation of the Repres[en]tatives of , in presenting the bill.
An Ordinance to prevent unlawful search or seizure of person or property by foreign process in the City of read twice,— 3 time by its tittle & passed. satisfied with its title.
Mayor suggested the propriety of making all coloured people free,— so that the cannot be carried out of the , unless guilty of crime,
suggested the propriety of giving instructions to the committee to bring in an ordinance concerning the Registry of deeds.—
Charles Warner had leave & spoke, enquiring the reason of his removal from the office of City auctioner,—
The Mayor explained also
Warner asked leave to pay auction tax in treasury orders — objected; spoke. thought Warners claim had priority. thought there was no action called for,
Motioned and Carried that the be instructed to give C. Warner s orders <for services rendered the city priority,> priority, in payment
resigned his appointment office <Elect> as City Auctioneer, & <Charles> Warner— was <re> duly <re->elected City Auctioner
Motiond & seconded that <and> carried that be Marshal of the for the , expecting soon to <leave <the >> was duly elected Marshall of the ,
, Spoke of the duties of a Marshal— &c
spoke, The Mayor gave instruction to the & polic[e]men— to see that all carrion is removed, that all <public> houses are kept in order,— stops boys fighting, prevent children floting off on the ice, correct any thing out of order; like a father,
resigned his office as assessor & collector to with other approbation of the council, [p. 29]