Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
on conditions the city should occupy said lot for said <said> purpose.—
Voted that the same committe proceed to select the Lot & procure a deed <title> of <for> the same,
moved the committee <be ins[t]ructed to> select the whole<whole> Lot on <Sidney and Back Street>
proposd the 3/4. Lot. Mayor said that would depend on the Location. The object was to keep prisoners, and had better be in the most public place.
proposed the most valuable Lot, stoght [thought] the fractional Lot was the most valuable,
thought the full lot was equally va[l]uable with a stone quarry thereon,
Motion carried for selecting the full Lot.
Claims of — for cer Burying certain individuals &c <and furnishing a coffin.> to the amount of $29,00, read and refered to the Committee <on claims.—>
The Committe Reported fav[or]ably and that the account be allowed. Report a[c]cepted.— and claims allowed. and To be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
An ordinance was reported by the committe to memoria[l]ize Congress. Read. & accep Report accepted.
And the reportsofthe ordered to a second reading. Read by C. .
moved an amendment, “the,” erased, and this inserted.—
proposed an additional Section of <to> the ordinance requiring the troops to obey the orders of the mayor in case of insurrection
made raised a query, to which replied and the 4[th] section was added to the ordinance. The mayor suggested an amend amendment of perpetual succession. proposed an amendment to add “the nearest troops,” related an anecdote of concerning Owens, and objected to the word contiguous, &, Mayor concurred. in
suggested that we <will> have a right to a garrison arsenal &c when <if> the ordinance pass.
Motiond by C A & carried that the memorial & ordin[an]ce, be forwarded to Congress—— [p. 28]