Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
, did not say you had ever minstred [administered] any private oath. s never in[s]tructed must be put out of the way, did not call s name nor no other name. did not say the policemen had a private oath,— did understand to say there was private instructions, and if a man could not keep a secret was not worthy of a place in the chu[r]ch, did not say the Mayor had given him a charge, did not tell where, told me there were doe heads about. did he <not> say the doe heads were in danger the mayor was in danger from the doe head,—
By , Did you not understand from , that he was suspicious of one near him as a doe head, & must be taken care of. & satisfied he had refered to me? <E. N.> Yes, he mentioned a doe head standing near Joseph, <had> conversation on Spiritual wifes,— I did not believe,— knew was opposed, and in the <this> conversation the doe head come in <> Did not say <Joseph> had anything to do with spiritual wifes <or> had not taught any such things, <did not say> had any thing to do with it.— <there was> no chain to the conversation,— <he suggested> there was another Law, the Law of God, do not know who admisted the <other> oath,
Mayor, tell what you know that made you so alarmd about ,—
Eli Norton, told me several times Danitesism was not down, never said mayor had any thing to do about Daniteism, , said it was a good system, said Q every department <Quorum> had their teachings and they must not tell another quorum’s, did not say I must take an oath to remain his counseller,— I drew the inference that was the doe head from conversation, but did not name ,
, said— I told him we were sworn & our duties specified I said by the covenant we have made in Baptism we are bound to protect each other in righteousness,— daniteism is to stand by each other that is all I know about Daniteism,— Mayor said he was not afraid of any thing but a doe head in our midst!— <In our conversation we> referred to spiritual wifes and one thing brought on another,— I was asked who can that man be? I give my opinion, that certain men had been requ[i]red to give their property [p. 34]