Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
to certain purposes, & then went & build a mill, & sowed a hundred acres of hemp & lost it in the river,— Norton said knew about the spiritual wife system. I never intimated that life was in danger, I intimated that might be the doe head, previously and me had conversation about stories afloat on spiritual wifes, he thought it was from the devil,— and we must put it down that he knew such a thing was in existince. & breaking up of families &c
By, , <Did I said not say> we have a good foundation because Joseph blowed it all up before the Hight Council, & before the Elders Quorum? Yes said ,— did not speak disrespectfully of Joseph or of the Church,— Had no secret converation <with mayor>. no charge except before the council never heard any thing from me to endanger the life of any man.
Mayor spoke on spiritual wife system, and explained, The man who promises to keep a secret and does not keep it he is a liar. and not to be trusted, came to me the other night and say <said> that he was satisfied & pleased with all I had said.— I did say <said> .—
Counseller spoke, at considerable length.—
Gen spoke, said there was no man in the more zealous to support Mormonism than himself. I have ever been ready to stand forth 9 <one> against 9, for the defense of Joseph. and am yet, if he lives till I shed his blood or strike a hair from his head he will live till he is as old as Methuselah.— and I firmly believe if I live till Joseph kills me or sets any one to kill me I shall live as long as I shall want to.—
Mayor, Did I ever tell you that any body had told me that you would sell your property you would blast blow up Mormonism?—
,— told me that.
said he had never conveyed the idea to father Norton that Joseph <had> said that was the Doe head.
Mayor— where a man becomes a traitor to his friend or country who is innocent, treachous to innocent blood I consider it right to cut off his innocent influence so that he could not injure the innocent,— [p. 35]