This sheet
identifies errors found in Documents, Volume 8: February–November
1841. Minor errors, such as in the format of source
citations, are not reported. The errors reported here occur in all
printings of the volume and have been corrected in the transcripts,
annotation, and reference material presented on this site. This sheet
will be updated as additional errors are found. Please report additional
errors by emailing
xxxiii, note 84, line 4. Change “sealed to JS” to “sealed to Smith”.
Page 15, line 7. Change “Howarden [Harwardin, Wales]” to
“Howarden [Hawarden, Wales]”.
Page 20,
lines 4–5. Remove paragraph break after “[p. 1]”.
Page 21, line 6. Change “a Mayor General” to “a Major
Page 21, line 14. Change “The Staff of the Mayor General”
to “The Staff of the Major General”.
Page 21, lines 16–17. Remove paragraph break after “[p.
Page 21, line 21. Change “the Staff of the Mayor General”
to “the Staff of the Major General”.
Page 22, line 30. Change “passed 3rd. Feby 1841.” to “<passed 3rd. Feby 1841.>”.
Page 23, lines 7–8. Remove paragraph break after “[p.
Page 24, line 16. Change “1841; featured version” to
“1841. Featured version”.
Page 24,
line 17. Change “handwriting of John C. Bennett” to “handwriting of John
C. Bennett; signatures of JS and John C. Bennett”.
Page 24, line 21. Change “The leaf was cut from a ldeger
book and folded for filing.” to “The top, right, and bottom edges of the
leaf have the square cut of manufactured paper, whereas the left edge is
uneven, suggesting it was cut from a blank book; the leaf was folded for
Page 25, lines 1–2. Change “a ledger book he had
repurposed for keeping legion records. Loose leaves from this record
book, including the following minutes” to “of which only three loose
leaves are extant. These loose leaves, including the following
Page 25, line 22. Change “copied his notes into the
ledger book titled” to “copied his notes into a larger document
Page 26, line 25. Change “James Robi[n]son” to “James
Page 36,
line 10. Change “Saml. Marshall” to “Saml. Marshall”.
Page 44,
lines 13–14. Change “in the handwriting of Thompson” to “in the
handwriting of John C. Bennett”.
Page 44, note 211. Remove this footnote.
Page 48,
line 10. Add a period after “p. 396 herein”.
Page 54,
line 2. Change “handed to Colr. Greene” to
“handed to Colr.
[John P.] Greene”.
Page 54, lines 3–4. Remove paragraph break after “[p.
Page 66,
line 11. After the second paragraph, add another paragraph with the
following text: “Next was Bron Benet [John C.
Bennett] on Phisickal Education for the Health &
preservation of the Lungs— [p. [15]]”.
Page 68,
line 5. Move indicator for footnote 306 before “Joseph Smith” instead of
Page 72, note 327, line 5. Change “Notes Receivable from
Chester Store, 22 May 1837” to “Notes Receivable from Rigdon, Smith
& Co., 22 May 1837”.
Page 126,
line 4. Change “handwriting of John Snider” to “handwriting of William
Page 130,
line 2. Before “Wm. Law”, add the following
footnote: “Signatures of William Law, George Miller, John Snider, and
Peter Haws.”
Page 130, note 175. Change “document is encircled in a
curlicued circle” to “document is enclosed in a hand-drawn
representation of a seal”.
Page 132, note 190. Change “‘Lewis Robison’ is likely
Lewis Robinson, no relation to James Robison. Robinson, not then a
member of the church” to “Lewis Robison, not then a member of the
Page 146, line 20. Change “mark of Elender Wiggins” to
“mark of Elender Moore Wiggins”.
Page 147, line 14. Change “El<en>der Wiggins” to “El<en>der [Moore]
Page 152, lines 17–18. Change “Featured version copied in
‘Remarks by Joseph May 16th. 1841’; unidentified handwriting; two pages;
JS Collection, CHL” to “Featured version copied as ‘Remarks by Joseph
May 16th. 1841’ in a collection of discourses, pp. [1]–[2]; unidentified
handwriting; JS Collection, CHL”.
Page 152, lines 20–22. Change “JS’s discourse was
inscribed on the recto and verso of the first leaf. Residue from
adhesive wafers (four on the recto of the first leaf and two on the
verso of the second leaf) remains, indicating that the bifolium was at
one point fastened to other documents.” to “The bifolium was originally
part of a larger document recording multiple discourses; the text at the
top of the recto of the first leaf starts in the middle of a sentence
and the text at the bottom of the verso of the second leaf ends in the
middle of a sentence. Also, residue remains from adhesive wafers (four
on the recto of the first leaf and two on the verso of the second leaf),
indicating that the bifolium was at one point fastened to more pages.
This discourse was inscribed on the recto and verso of the first leaf.”
Page 153,
line 7. Change “but in act 3 12” to “but in act 3 19”.
Page 153,
note 286. Remove “The citation of Acts 3:12 was apparently a mistake
made by JS or the scribe.”
Page 164, line 16. Change “Estates” to “Estate”.
Page 164, line 17. Change “docket” to “notation”.
Page 164, line 20. Change “docket” to “notation”.
Page 164, line 21. Change “D Greenleaf of P.J.P” to “D Greenleaf
Page 164, note 327. Change “Red Brick Store Floor Plan,
ca. Jan 1841” to “Floor Plan for Joseph Smith’s Store, between Feb. and
Dec. 1841”.
Page 167, note 343. Remove quotation marks around “Orson
Pratt, A[n] Interesting Account of Several Remarkable
Visions, 1840”.
Page 185, line 4. Change “to JS, [Nauvoo, Hancock Co.,
IL]” to “to JS, for Samuel Clark, [Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL]”.
Page 188, line 25. Change “four pages” to “three
Page 217, line 16. After “[p. [1]]”, add “[pages [2]–[3] blank]”.
Page 217, line 22. Change “[p. [2]]” to “[p. [4]]”.
Page 243, line 13. After “[p. 2]”, add “[pages [3]–[4] blank]”.
Page 265, note 383, lines 3–4. Change “‘Report of the
First Presidency,’ Times and Seasons, 15 Apr. 1841,
2:384” to “Report of the First Presidency to the Church, ca. 7 Apr.
1841, p. 104 herein”.
Page 280,
lines 7 and 12. Switch footnotes 473 and 475. 473 should read “text: Stamped in blue ink.” and 475 should
read “text: Postal place and date stamped in
blue ink.”
Page 282,
line 5. Change “J[John] P. Green” to “J P. Green [John P. Greene]”.
Page 282,
line 17. After “[p. [1]]”, add “[pages [2]–[3]
Page 282,
line 20. “<10>” should be right justified.
Page 282, line 24. Change “[p. [2]]” to “[p. [4]]”.
Page 302,
line 10. Change “every gen[era]ten” to “every genten [generation]”.
Page 318,
note 197, line 1. Change “Minutes, 3–5 Oct. 1840” to “Minutes and
Discourse, 3–5 Oct. 1840”.
Page 330,
lines 17–18. Remove docket from transcript: “Manchester Oct 24th 1842 [1841] |
P. P. Pratt.”
Page 331,
line 17. Change “Margaret Smith’s cousin John Gest” to “Margaret Smith’s
cousin John Guest”.
Page 331,
line 19. Change “when Gest refused to recognize” to “when Guest refused
to recognize”.
Page 332,
line 1. Change “or Mr Guest [John Gest]” to
“or Mr [John] Guest”.
Page 332,
line 6. Remove space after “1987.”: “1987.17”.
Page 332,
note 269, line 2. Change “her cousin John Gest” to “her cousin John
Page 332,
note 274, line 2. Change “Receipt to Edward Hunter, 28 Oct. 1841” to
“Receipt to Edward Hunter, 28 Oct. 1841–A”.
Page 332, note 275. Add the following to the end of the
footnote: “; see also Ephraim Potter for JS, Receipt to Edward Hunter,
28 Oct. 1841–B, JS Collection [Supplement], CHL”.
Page 336,
line 20. Move “(Signed)” up two lines to precede “Joseph Smith LS.”
Page 336,
note 294. Change “‘LS.’ is surrounded with a curlicued circle” to “‘LS.’
is enclosed in a hand-drawn representation of a seal”.
Page 340,
line 11. Change “Mr. [George P. Stiles]
Styles” to “Mr. Styles [George P.
Page 340,
note 324, line 7. Change “Emmons, the city attorney, voted” to “Emmons,
Page 340,
note 324, line 12. Change “23 and 30 Oct. 1841, 28–30” to “23 and 30
Oct. 1841, 26, 28–30”.
Page 351,
line 11. Change “three inches of the last page are missing” to “three
inches of the second leaf are missing”.
Page 363, lines 6–7. Remove paragraph break after “[p.
Page 364,
line 12. Added insertion brackets around “passed Novr 13th 1841.”
Page 365, line 18. Change “City Properly” to “City
Page 365,
lines 19–20 Remove paragraph break after “[p. 31]”.
Page 367,
note 447, line 7. Change “once flourished a might people” to “once
flourished a mighty people”.
Page 368,
line 14. Remove docket from transcript: “Nov. 16, 1841.”
Page 368,
line 18. Change “Elder Divine” to “Elder [James] Divine”.
Page 370,
note 466. Change “2 Nov 1841” to “2 Nov. 1841”.
Page 373,
line 4. Change “[25 blank lines]” to “[25 lines blank]”.
Page 375,
note 498. Change “The promissory notes mentioned are not extant” to “See
Promissory Note to Halsted, Haines & Co., 1 September 1837–B and
Pages 389–509. A number of updates and changes have been
made to the reference material. The updates correct factual errors, add
additional information, and remove biographical information that, while
possibly accurate, could not be documented in primary sources or the
most reliable secondary sources. Because the reference material supports
all published volumes and all documents published on the website, the
Smith Papers staff will not keep a record of the specific changes made
to each entry published in Documents, Volume 8. Readers
should refer to the Reference section of the Joseph Smith Papers website
to find the corrected and updated information.
Page 393, line 10. Change “The index consists of 4
leaves” to “The index consists of 8 leaves”.
Page 393, line 12. Change “runs vertically along the left
side of each page” to “runs vertically along the right side of each
Page 466,
line 30. Change “appointed on 29 February 1841” to “appointed on 19
February 1841”.