This sheet identifies
errors found in Journals, Volume 2: December 1841–April 1843.
Minor errors, such as in the format of source citations, are not reported. The errors
reported here occur in all printings of the volume and have been corrected in the
transcripts, annotation, and reference material presented on this site. This sheet
will be updated as additional errors are found. Please report additional errors by
Page xix, last
paragraph, lines 2 and 3. Delete “Thomas Reynolds” and insert “Lilburn W. Boggs”.
Page 5, note 7, line 1. Change “Women’s
Exponent” to “Woman’s Exponent”.
Page 7, lines 12–13. Change “a hystory and a general church record”
to “a hystory and a general church reccord”.
Page 11, note 23, line 2. Change “Bonds and Mortgages, vol. 1, p. 97”
to “Bonds and Mortgages, vol. 1, p. 95”.
Page 14, note 32, line 3. Change “property in Ramus to the Sole
trustee” to “property in Ramus To the Sole trustee”.
Page 19, note 52, line 6. Change “2:578; italics in original” to
“2:578, italics in original”.
Page 21, note 65, line 3. Change “will be made glad. with those
comforts” to “will be made glad, with those comforts”.
Page 21, note 65, line 4. Change “overflowing all day. & I have
stood” to “overflowing all day, & I have stood”.
Page 23, note 65, line 1. Change “ever saw to oblige those who were
compelled to go without their usual christmas & New year. dinners” to “ever Saw to
oblige those who were compelled to go without their usual christmas & New year,
Page 23, note 65, line 2. Change “Raisons &c. &c. & to
please myself” to “Rasions &c. &c,— & to please myself”.
Page 29, note 88, line 1. Change “rights & priviledges” to
“Rights & priviledges”.
Page 33, note 107, line 1. Change “An Ordinance Regulating Auctions”
to “An Ordinance regulating Auctions”.
Page 40, note 137, line 2. Change “city & town of commerce” to
“City & Town of Commerce”.
Page 42, note 144.
Change “In November 1835,” to “In 1835,”.
Page 44, note 155, line 12. Change “Woodruff, Journal, 11 Mar. 1842”
to “Woodruff, Journal, 11 Mar. 1842, underlining in original”.
Page 46, note 168, line 5. Change “Prest
Joseph Smith” to “Prest. Joseph Smith”.
Page 48, note 173, line 6. Change “choice, virtuous and holy” to
“choice, virtuou[s] and holy”.
Page 48, note 177, line 1. Change “Wm Marks” to “Wm. Marks”.
Page 50, note 187, line 5. Change “disadvantageous circumstancs” to
“disadvantagious circumstances”.
Page 51, note 188, lines 5–6. Change “Letter to John W. Woods,
Nauvoo, IL, ca. 7 Aug. [1842]” to “Letter to [James] W. Woods, Nauvoo, IL, 7 Aug.
Page 51, note 189, line 5. Change “3 June 1842” to “[ca. 23] June
Page 51, note 191, line 5. Change “3 June 1842” to “[ca. 23] June
Page 52, note 195, line 1. Change “the reason of these remarks being
made was,” to “the reason of these remarks being made, was,”.
Page 52, note 195, line 3. Change “hands on the sick, &c” to
“hands on the sick &c”.
Page 53, note 195, line 1. Change “wetting the face with water that
it is no sin” to “wetting the face with water— that it is no sin”.
Page 53, note 197.
Change “Jessee Turpin” to “Jesse Turpin”.
Page 53, note 197, line 3. Change “block 118, lot 1” to “block 118,
lot 2”.
Page 53, note 197, line 3. Change “Hotchkiss Purchase, block 14, lot
4;” to “Hotchkiss Purchase, block 17, lot 4; block 79, lot 1;”.
Page 54, note 198, line 10. Change “in the prese[n]ce of Eloheim” to
“in the pesece [presence] of Eloheim”.
Page 54, note 198, line 11. Change “for the fir[s]t time” to “for the
fi[r]st time”.
Page 54, note 198, lines 11–12. Change “were of things spiritul and
to be received only by the spiritual minded:” to “woere of things spiritul and to be
received only by the spiritual minded;”.
Page 54, note 198, line 13. Change “prepared to recive, and a proper
place” to “prepared to receive, and a proper place”.
Page 56, note 210, lines 3–4. Change “Relief Society Minute Book,
[12] May 1842” to “Relief Society Minute Book, [12] May 1842, underlining in
Page 57, note 219.
Remove note and replace it with “Probably John Snider’s hotel on the southeast corner
of Sidney and Granger streets. (Hyrum Smith et al., Petition, 8 Mar. 1844, Nauvoo
City, Records, 1841–1845; Nauvoo 1842 Tax Assessment, Nauvoo City, Records,
Page 62, note 243, line 9. Change “heaped upon me by wicked men, and
desire” to “heaped upon me by wicked men; and desire”.
Page 63, note 248,
lines 1 and 2. Change “four additional people” to “five additional people”.
Page 79, note 312, lines 5–6. Change “was accessary before the fact”
to “was Accessary before the fact”.
Page 81, note 319, line 8. Change “The city council also passed a
statute on this date” to “The city council also passed a statute on 8 August
Page 87, note 335, lines 1–2. Change “who was cashiered two weeks
earlier” to “who had been cashiered in June or July”.
Page 94, note 354, line 4. Change “D&C 85:7” to “D&C
Page 95, line 11.
After “Joseph B. Nobles” insert “[Noble]”.
Page 96, line 3. Move
footnote indicator 358 to line 5, immediately before “Wednesday 17”.
Page 103, note 380, line 1. Change “apprehension” to
Page 132, note 451. Remove footnote.
Page 132, note 453, line 1. Change “from the version published in the
Times and Seasons” to “from the William Clayton copy of this
Page 132, note 454, line 1. Change “baptized for your dead” to
“baptised for your dead”.
Page 140, note 476, line 1. Change “Clayton copy of this letter adds
‘, now.’” to “Clayton copy of this letter reads ‘now on their way to this place.’”
Page 150, note 504, line 2. Change “and let us” to “And let us”.
Page 154, note 512, line 2. Change “This letter is to be considered
confidential” to “This letter is to be considered strictly Confidential”.
Page 154, note 514, line 9. Change “Times and
Seasons, 3:839–843” to “Times and Seasons, 1 July 1842,
Page 155, note 515, line 2. Change “reflection or consideration” to
“reflection or Consideration”.
Page 160, note 536, lines 5–6. Change “Bonds and Mortgages, vol. 1,
p. 97” to “Bonds and Mortgages, vol. 1, p. 95”.
Page 167, note 549, line 11. Change “Justin Butterfield, Chicago, IL,
to Charles B. Penrose, 13 Oct. 1842” to “Justin Butterfield, Chicago, IL, to Charles
B. Penrose, 11 Oct. 1842”.
Page 167, note 550, line 3. Change “Bonds and Mortgages, vol. 1, p.
97” to “Bonds and Mortgages, vol. 1, p. 95”.
Page 167, note 551, line 2. Change “charged twice over &c
&c.” to “charged twice over &c. &c.”
Page 170, note 564, line 2. Change “abusive and ridiculous language”
to “abusive and Ridiculous language”.
Page 171, note 570, line 1. Change “abusive and ridiculous” to
“abusive and Ridiculous”.
Page 177, note 585, line 8. Change “Sidney Rigdon, Collection, CHL”
to “Sidney Rigdon, Collection, CHL, underlining in original”.
Page 177, note 589,
line 7. Change “10 May 1843” to “10 May 1841”.
Page 178, note 591, line 2. Change “in four equal annual instalments
with interest” to “in four equal annual instalments, with interest”.
Page 184, caption
line 4. Change “Photograph by Welden C. Andersen.” to “Photograph by Alex D.
Page 193, note 29, line 4. Change “room rent free” to “Room rent
Page 195, note 39, line 3. Change “and that ‘Sister Durfee’ came
from Nauvoo” to “and that ‘Sister Durphy’ came from Nauvoo”.
Page 198, note 54, line 2. Change “Quincy, IL, 20 Mar. 1839” to
“Quincy, IL, [ca. 22 Mar. 1839]”.
Page 199, note 60,
line 3. Change “aslo” to “also”.
Page 199, note 60, line 4. Change “the Presbyterians” to “the
Page 199, note 60, lines 13–14. Change “State of Missouri v. Jacob
Gates et al. for Arson, Historical Department, Nineteenth-Century Legal Documents
Collection, CHL” to “State of Missouri v. Jacob Gates et al. for Arson, photocopy, Max
H. Parkin, Collected Missouri Court Documents, CHL”.
Page 203, note 76, line 2. Change “intended murder” to “intended
Page 215, line 2 of Editorial Note: Change “1842” to “1843”.
Page 215, note 156, lines 2–3. Change “Circuit Court of the United
States for the District of Illinois” to “Circuit Court of the United States, for the
District of Illinois”.
Page 218, note 170. Change “Possibly ‘forces’.” to “Possibly
Page 227, lines 9–10 of Editorial Note: Change “in this case the
affidavit should have stated distinctly, 1st. That Smith committed a crime” to “in
this case, the affidavit should have stated distinctly, 1st. That Smith had committed
a crime”.
Page 227, line 12 of Editorial Note: Change “he fled from Missouri to
authorise the Governor” to “he fled from Missouri, to authorise the governor”.
Page 227, line 13 of Editorial Note: Change “the Governor of
Missouri” to “the governor of Missouri”.
Page 227, line 16 of Editorial Note: Change “a fact from which the
Governor” to “a fact from which the governor”.
Page 227, line 18 of Editorial Note: Change “governor says he has fled to the state of Illinois” to “governor says he fled to the state of Illinois”.
Page 227, note 214: Change “Court Ruling, 5 Jan. 1843, p. 401 herein”
to “Court Ruling, 5 Jan. 1843, pp. 397, 401 herein”.
Page 236, note 246, lines 10–11. Change final citation to “‘The
Mormons Farewell,’ 7 Jan. 1843, JS Office Papers, CHL.”
Page 246, note 288, line 2. Change “murder, burglary, treason—,
&c. &c.” to “murder, burglary, treason, &c. &c.”.
Page 246, note 288, line 5. Change “Sidney Rigdon, Collection, CHL”
to “Sidney Rigdon, Collection, CHL, underlining in original”.
Page 250, note 318, line 2. Change “for remission of sin” to “for
remission of sins”.
Page 256, note 358, lines 2–3. Change “Nauvoo City Council Minute
Book, 14 Jan. 1843, 132, 140” to “Nauvoo City Council Minute Book, 14 Jan. 1843, 131,
Page 261, note 389, line 2. Change “for the purpose of receiving the
votes” to “for the purpose of receiving the Votes”.
Page 267, line 4. Change “[Moses] Nickerson” to “[Uriah C.]
Page 267, note 419, line 2. Change “JS Journal, 24 Mar. 1843” to “JS,
Journal, 24 Mar. 1843”.
Page 271, note 432.
Change “possibly” to “Possibly”.
Page 271, note 433.
Delete second instance of “Possibly”.
Page 301, note 592, line 3. Change “for the services rendered
plaintiff’s wife on the 22d and 23d of October, 1842, of $10.00” to “for services
rendered plaintiff’s wife on the 22d and 23d of October, 1842, of $10,00”.
Page 301, note 592, line 6. Change “gross carelessness or
unskillfulness” to “gross carelessness or unskilfulness”.
Page 302, note 596, line 2. Change “JS, Journal, 21 Feb. and 1 Mar.
1843, pp. 268, 279 herein” to “JS, Journal, 21 Feb. and 1 Mar. 1843, pp. 268, 279
herein; and 279n473 herein”.
Page 303, note 602, lines 7–8. Change “this suit be dismissed at the
plaintiff’s costs” to “this suit be dismissed at the plaintiffs Costs”.
Page 309, line 1. Change “[Mary Bailey] Smith” to “[Mary Fielding]
Page 312, note 644, line 2. Change “who ten days earlier” to “who
eleven days earlier”.
Page 318, note 667, line 9. Change “electing County officers—on the
1st Monday in April” to “electing County officers— on the 1st Monday in April”.
Page 318, note 667, line 10. Change “not to Organize—nor elect
officers—consequently” to “not to organize— nor elect officers— consequently”.
Page 319, note 673, line 2. Change “abominable practices” to
“abominble practices”.
Page 327, note 718, lines 6–7. Change “authorizing the said Hotchkiss
and Gillett to convey the said Lands” to “authorizing the Said Hotchkiss and Gillet to
convey the Said Lands”.
Page 327, note 720, line 6. Change “thereby committing a riot” to
“thereby Committing a Riot”.
Page 329, note 720, lines 1–2. Change “Nauvoo Municipal Court Docket
Book, 51–52” to “Nauvoo Municipal Court Docket Book, 51–52, underlining in
Page 331, note 728, lines 3–4. Change “crowned with the same
blessing, and glory, and honor, and priesthood, and gifts of the priesthood” to
“crowned with the same . . . blessing and glory, and honor and priesthood and gifts of
the priesthood”.
Page 350, note 843, line 10. Change “Letter to John W. Woods, Nauvoo,
IL, ca. 7 Aug. [1842]” to “Letter to James W. Woods, Nauvoo, IL, 7 Aug. 1844”.
Page 351, note 845, lines 1–2. Change “on the part of the temple
committee” to “on the part of the Temple Committee”.
Page 351, note 845, line 3. Change “the business of the architect” to
“the business of the Architect”.
Page 353, note 855, line 1. Change “Journal, 2–3 and 10 Mar. 1843” to
“Journal, 2, 3, and 10 Mar. 1843”.
Page 354, note 861, line 1. Change “resolved—That the advice” to
“resolved— That the advice”.
Page 354, note 861, line 2. Change “move on to the north (to
Commerce, Illinois)” to “move on to the north [to Commerce, Illinois]”.
Page 361, note 894, line 2. Change “Reports of Deaths” to “Report of
Page 364, line 11.
Change “[Wililam] Brinks counsil” to “[William] Brinks counsil”.
Page 364, note 912, lines 3–4. Change “JS, Journal, 2, 3 and 10 Mar.
1843” to “JS, Journal, 2, 3, and 10 Mar. 1843”.
Page 366, caption line
3. Change “Seal Van Sickle” to “Selah Van Sickle”.
Page 370, note 951, line 3. Change “ordained High Priests, in order
to preside they are too young; they have got” to “ordained High Priests in order to
preside they are too young; They have got”.
Page 371, note 957, line 7. Change “Luna Eunice Caroline Young
Thatcher, Collection, CHL” to “Luna Eunice Caroline Young Thatcher, Collection, CHL,
underlining in original”.
Page 374, line 16. Change “N[ewman] G. Blodget” to “N. G. Blodget
[Newman Blodgett]”.
Page 374, note 975,
lines 4–5. Change “Coltrin ‘admitted’ to the first charge” to “Mathews ‘admitted’ to
the first charge”.
Page 379, lines 26–27. Add a single brace immediately to the
right of “Missouri” and
spanning both lines; also,
add “ss
[scilicet]” immediately to the right of the brace, centered between the two lines.
Page 380, line 11. At the beginning of the line, add a “/” and a text footnote reading “Signature of Lilburn W. Boggs.”
Page 380, note 5. Add “Docket, endorsement, and notation in
unidentified handwriting.” to the end of the footnote.
Page 380, line 32. Change “O P. Rockwell” to
P. [Orrin
Page 381, line 29. Change “O. P. Rockwell”
“O. P.
Pages 382–383. The transcription for Joseph Smith, Petition for New
Arrest Warrant, 31 December 1842 is superseded by the transcription published in
Volume 11, pp.
Page 384, line 8. Change “O P. Rockwell” to
“O P.
Page 384, note 19. Change “William Trumbull handwriting ends; Thomas
Ford begins.” to “Signatures of Thomas Ford and Lyman Trumbull.”.
Page 384, note 20. Remove footnote.
Page 384, line 32. Change “servd” to
and add a text footnote reading
Page 385. The transcription for Joseph Smith, Petition for Writ of
Habeas Corpus, 31 December 1842 is superseded by the transcription published in
Volume 11, pp.
Page 386, line 2. Change “Roger Taney” to “James
Page 386, line 25. Change “L. W.
Boggs” to
“L[ilburn] W.
Page 387. The transcription for Joseph Smith, Affidavit, 2 January
1843 is superseded by the transcription published in
Volume 11, pp.
Page 388, line 3. Change “Shadrack” to “Shadrach”.
Page 388, line 12. Change “Hiram Smith”
“Hiram [Hyrum]
Page 389, line 14. Change “Owings Clk”
“[James] Owings
Page 389, line 19. Change “J. B.
to “J[acob] B.
Page 389, line 20. Change “stephn AJudge— Duglass—” to
AJudge— Duglass
[Stephen A.
Page 390, line 2. Change “J. B.
to “J[acob] B.
Page 390, line 19. Change “Ex
to “Ex
Page 390, line 19. Change “On
to “on Habeas
Page 390, line 20. Change “J.
to “J[ustin]
Page 390, line 20. Change “B. S.
to “B[enjamin] S.
Page 390, line 21. Change “J.
to “J[osiah]
Page 391, line 25. Change “O. P. Rockwell”
“O. P.
Page 375, note 982, line 4. Change “372n971 herein” to “372n972
Pages 409–555. A number of updates and changes have been made to the
reference material. The updates correct factual errors, add additional information,
and remove biographical information that, while possibly accurate, could not be
documented in primary sources or the most reliable secondary sources. Because the
reference material supports all published volumes and all documents published on the
website, the Smith Papers staff will not keep a record of the specific changes made to
each entry published in Journals, Volume 2. Readers should refer to the
Reference section of the Joseph Smith Papers website to find the corrected and updated
Page 434. Change placement of Joseph Smith’s farm to the NE corner of
section 8 (to the west of section 9) and part of the SW corner of the NW quarter of
section 9.
Page 437. Change
placement of marker 30 (Alexander Mills Masonic Hall Tavern) to the north side of
Sidney Street instead of the south side.
Page 508, Nauvoo
Ecclesiastical Officers chart. Add Samuel Bent to the list of High Council
Page 513. Change
“Marshall” to “Marshal”.
Page 518. Change “James Robinson” to “James Robison”.