Account of Trial, , Hancock Co., IL, 21–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845). Transcribed from shorthand [before 24 Aug. 1858]; handwriting of and Daniel Mackintosh; 106 pages; Report of the Trial of the Murderers of Joseph Smith, 1845, CHL.
about the murder of the Smiths? No. Had you any conversation that evening of any kind with ? None at all. Have you any recollection of him and Gregg coming into the Hall and calling on you for a drink of water? They did not do so. Do you remember the scercumstanse of a number of men coming there after night and taking supper? I remember it. Where you at that time well aquainted with [William] Grover? Yes. Did you see any <him> among the number who came there and eat supper that night? I did not see him. Did Grover bring A wounded man to the kitchen that night and ask your permision to let him sit by the fire? No. Was there a wounded man sitting by the fire that night? Yes Sir. Do you know who he was? No. You are shure Grover did not bring him there and ask and ask your permission to let him sit by the fire that night? Yes.
Cross examined by .
Did you see the wounded man when he first came there? Yes. Do you know who went into the kitchen with him? I might have known then but I dont recollect now who it was. Might it not have been Grover and you have forgotten it? It was not grover. Might not and Grover have been there that night and you have forgotten? They might. How meny took supper there that night? More than 40 or 50. Did you hear them say anything about what they had been doing? No. Did they not talk about their being at ? No. Did they say any thing about the mormons or the smiths or any thing else? No. They did not say any thing in my hearing. Did you see any time that after noon? Not that I recollect. It has been near A year ago might it not have been that you have forgoten. I think not. Who told you first about the Death of the smiths? I believe it was one of my own Brother’s. What time that evening was you told of the Death of the Smiths? About sun down I am not shure who told me but I am shure it was not that told me. Did you see Gregg that evening? I dont recollect. Was there A good meny passing about that evening? There was a good meny of <there> late in the evening. Was there not A great meny about there before dark? no. What time of night did they come for supper? According to the best of my recollection it was about nine o’clock. What time was it before they got through? It was as much as 2 o’clock in the morning. [p. [105]]