Account of Trial, , Hancock Co., IL, 21–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845). Transcribed from shorthand [before 24 Aug. 1858]; handwriting of and Daniel Mackintosh; 106 pages; Report of the Trial of the Murderers of Joseph Smith, 1845, CHL.
We alledge that these men arraigned before you at the Bar, are the men who were the movers, and instigators, of that mob who committed the crime, and shed blood, upon the soil of your , they were the cause of the spilling of that blood in consequence of which, , rests upon their hands, and hearts of these five men here arraigned,
It is not necessary to prove that these men, entered the Jail, or shot the Gun, or any of these instruments, by which his death was accomplished, in order to convict them, but that the mob, got its spirit, impulse, movements, and bloodthirstiness, from the minds, and dispositions of these men, and that they were the instigators of that mob, gave countenance to it and that they, did stir up others, to committ the murder we shall be able fully, and s[u]bstantially to prove, And it is frequently the case, when crime is committed, for the instigator of the crime to pass away, and let the blood be spilt, or the crime perpetrated, by underlings, they did direct the arm that did strike the fatal blow to the heart of the unfortunate victims.
There are hundreds here I have no doubt, are ready to applaud you, and rejoice with you, if you should return a verdict, of not guilty against these men, but as you respect your honour, your , and your God, I call upon you to do justice to this case, for this state of things cannot exist much longer, the law must prevail, mobs, may triumph for a short time, but the law, will ultimately prevail and triumph,
The guilt of this crime, hangs over you, as a blight, and curse, which is destroying your character, and gnawnig at the root of your prosperity, it is a blood stain upon your character, and a foul blot, which cannot be erased, but with vengance, and rigour, to deal out the law, as the law is
As you respect, and fear <your> God, as you respect, and fear God, and not man, do your duty, for it is better that [p. [7]]