Amos Chase, Affidavit, before JS, , Hancock Co., IL, 19 Dec. 1843; handwriting of ; signature of Amos Chase; docket and notation in handwriting of ; one page; JS Office Papers, CHL.
On the 19th day of Decr. 1843 came Amos S Chase before me Joseph Smith mayor of said and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith, that on the 18th day of Decr 1843 he was about four miles below in shortly <after> the Constable arrested for being concerned in Kidnaping not long since, and saw the men of the neighborhood gather[in]g with arms, to retake the said ; and when ask what they would do if the did not sanction such an unlawful course; several of them replied “Damn the ! if he opens his head we will punch a hole throug him”! “He dare not open his head!” We will serve him the same sauce we will the Mormons.” The said Mob then went to , where your affiant saw them with their arms and further your affiant saith not.
Amos S Chase
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of Decr. 1843