Samuel Hicks, Affidavit, before , , Hancock Co., IL, 21 June 1844; handwriting of ; certified by ; docket in handwriting of ; one page; JS Office Papers, CHL.
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June 21. 1844
State of Illinois)
Hancock County)
City of )
Personally appeared before me an Alderman in and for said City of Samuel Hicks who being first duly sworn deposeth and saith that he has no hostile feelings towards the Citizens of the City of , that he has not communicated any intelligence to any of the mob, nor has he taken any measures either directly or indirectly to aid or abet the mob, or any portion of the mob in prosecuting the Citizens of the City of , neither will he aid or abet the mob in any manner whatever Neither have I got, or will I carry out of the any fire arms, or ammunition. So help me God.
Samuel Hicks
Subscribed and sworn to this 21st. day of June 1844 before me