, Affidavit, before JS, , Hancock Co., IL, 18 Dec. 1843; handwriting of ; certification in handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of ; one page; JS Office Papers, CHL.
Personally— appeared , before me Joseph Smith, Mayor of said , and upon his oath deposeth and saith that from information he has recived he verily beleives that the peac[e] of said is in danger from a Mobocratic assemblage at , and a force collected under the command of Col in the lower part of the , and runners having been sent to to excite the Missourians to Join the Mobbers in this for the purpose of making a descent on said , or disturbing its peace[a]ble inhabitants— and further your deponent saith not.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th Decr. 1843