Affidavit from Willard Richards and Philip B. Lewis, 8 December 1843
Source Note
and , Affidavit, before JS, , Hancock Co., IL, 8 Dec. 1843; handwriting of ; signatures of and ; dockets in handwriting of and ; one page; JS Office Papers, CHL.
On this 8th day of December 1843, came and before me Joseph Smith Mayor of said , and after being duly sworn depose and say, that they have been informed that two men have been Kidnapped recently by the Missourians in connection with some of the lawless inhabitants of the County of , and that rumors are now affloat, that it is the intention of said lawless persons in connection with the aforesaid Missourians to kidnap some of the citizens of this and furths [further] your affiants would State that they are of opinion to prevent difficulties of such a vexatious nature that something should be done to prevent <secure> the peace of this from being disturbed. And further your affiants say not.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of December 1843