Appointment as Trustee, 2 February 1841, as Published in Warsaw Signal
Source Note
JS, Appointment as Trustee, , Hancock Co., IL, 2 Feb. 1841; attested by , , and , , IL, [3 Feb. 1841]; certified by , 3 Feb. 1841. Version published in “Bennett’s 3d Letter,” Warsaw Signal, 23 July 1842, [2]. Includes seal.
Dear Sir—At a meeting of the ‘” at this place, on Saturday the 30th day of January, A. D. 1841, I was elected sole Trustee for said Church, to hold my office during life (my successor to be the of said Church,) and vested with plenary powers as sole Trustee in Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to receive, acquire, manage and convey property, real, personal or mixed, for the sole use and benefit of said church, agreeable to the provisions of an act entitled “An act concerning Religious Societies,” approved February 6, 1835.
“State of Illinois)
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“This day personally appeared before me, a Justice of the peace, within and for the county of aforesaid, , and who being duly sworn depose and say that the foregoing certificate of Joseph Smith is true.
“Sworn to and subscribed this third day of February, in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty-one, before me,