Bill from Sylvester Emmons and Others, circa 25 February 1843–B
Source Note
Committee of Municipal Laws [, , and ], Bill, to Nauvoo City Council, , Hancock Co., IL, ca. 25 Feb. 1843; handwriting of ; signature of JS; endorsement and docket in handwriting of ; one page; Nauvoo, IL, Records, 1841–1845, CHL.
Page [4]
sec 9 <10> It shall be the duty of the Market Master of this to superintend the Market and put in force all the ordinances of this , concerning markets or having relation thereto, he is hereby a[u]thorised if required by any one. to weigh, measure, try and examine all butter lard, fruit and other articles of provision, offered for sale in lump, parcels or tubs, or other vessels or vessels and all weights and measures or other articles in said market, and in case the same are less than <the> required weight or measure, then to seize the butter lard weights or measures or other articles aforesaid So found deficient, and sell the same <at auction and pay the avails <thereof> into the City treasury> Provided That the owner of the article or articles so siezed may <appeal to the Mayor of the who shall hear, try and determine <the same,>> making such disposition of the matter as he shall deem just and right in the premises The Market Master shall do and perform all things belonging to the office of clerk of Markets or market Masters within this He shall enforce obediance to all rules and regulations herein contained, and to such others as from time to time shall be ordained respecting the market, he shall prevent all unsound and unwholesome provisions from being sold or expensed for sale, by seizing the same and making such desposition thereof as the Mayor [p. [4]]
TEXT: In the following four lines, text was inserted between the lines. The inserted text is displayed in the order found in copy of the ordinance in the Nauvoo City Council Minute Book, p. 165.