Blessing to George A. Smith, 1 March 1835, Bathsheba Bigler Smith Copy
Source Note
JS, , and , Blessing, to , , Geauga Co., OH, 1 Mar. 1835. Version copied [ca. 1840s]; handwriting of Bathsheba Bigler Smith, docket in unidentified handwriting; one page; George A. Smith, Papers, CHL. Includes redactions.
Thou shalt go forth and carry the gospel to the nations who sits in darkness, we upon thee the power of this ministry, if thou art faithfull from this hour thou wilt receive a blessing fulness of joy, thou shalt ask and the lord will give thee, shalt <ask> and he will give again, thou shalt see the glory of the lord thou shalt see great things and contemplate mighty things, thy hart shall desire to see thee worth of the god roll on and thou shall see it, we seal another blessing upon thee thou shalt return with thy breathren here, after thou hast labored much and suffered much, and thy comming in shall be greater than thy going out these blessings we confer upon thee in the name of Jesus Amen