Bond from First Presidency, 31 January 1842, as Recorded in Hancock County Deeds
Source Note
JS, , and , Bond for property in , Hancock Co., IL, to JS as Trustee, 31 Jan. 1842; Bonds and Mortgages, vol. 1, pp. 223–224, Hancock County Courthouse; unidentified handwriting; microfilm at Family History Library.
Bond from First Presidency, 31 January 1842, as Recorded in Hancock County Deeds
Page 223
<J. Smith & To J Smith>
<Recorded April 18th 1842>
<Town Lots >
Know all men by These presents That we Joseph Smith & of the County of and State of are held and firmly Bound unto Joseph Smith as Sole trustee in trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of the County of and state of his Successors in office and assigns in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for the payment of which well and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs executors and administrators andadministrators firmly by these presents Now the conditions of the above obligation is such that whereas the said Joseph Smith & have this day Sold unto the said Joseph Smith as Sole trustee in trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints certain Lots of ground situated lying and being in the County of and State of and described on the plat of Joseph Smith addition to the city of as followes to Wit Lots No one Three & four in Block Eleven also Lots Nos one two three Four in Block Twenty three also Lots No one three & four in Block No ten also Lots Nos one & four in Block Twelve also Lots Nos one two three & four in Block NoTwentyFour nine; also Lots Nos one two three & Four in Block No Twenty four also Lots Nos one two three & Four in Block Thirty nine: also Lots Nos one two three & Four in Block No Eight; also Lots Nos one two Three & Four in Block No thirteen. also Fractional Block No Fourteen: also Lots Nos one two three & Four in Block No Four: also Lots Nos one Two Three & Four in Block No five: also Lots Nos one two three & four in Block No Six also Lots Nos one two three & Four in Block No Seven: also Lots Nos one two three & four in Block No three: also Lots Nos one two three & four in Block No Two: als Lots Nos one & two in Block No one and received in payment for said Lots the sum of one Dollar the Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged Now the said Joseph Smith as Sole trustee in trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints having paid the sum of one Dollar to us we the said Joseph Smith. & bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administr[a]tors, to make or cause to be made a good and sufficient deed [for the afore]said Lots unto the said Joseph Smith as Sole trustee in [trust for the] Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints when we [shall obtain] a deed of the Same of and [then this Bond] to become null and void otherwise to be and [p. 223]