Court-Martial Verdict against William Niswanger, 10 June 1843
Source Note
, , , , , and , Court-Martial Verdict, against , , Hancock Co., IL, 10 June 1843; handwriting of ; signatures of , , , , , and ; approved by , 12 June 1843; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes docket.
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June 10, 1843
Sir, according to a Court Martial detailed by you for The purpose of trying for charges preferred against him by Adjutant for ungentlemanly & unofficerlike conduct The following is the finding, & the sentence of the court.
Guilty of the first second & third specifications.
Sentence that he be casheired.
Colo[nel]— Presd [President]—
Lieu[tenan]t Colo—
Lieut Colo
Lieut. Col
Judge Advoc[ate]
Sir herewith I enclose the minutes of the Court Martial together with the charges
This is to certify that I approve of the above finding & sentence.