Deed, JS and Emma Smith to JS as Trustee-in-Trust, 5 October 1841, as Recorded in Hancock County Deeds
Source Note
JS and , Deed for property in , Hancock Co., IL, to JS as trustee-in-trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 5 Oct. 1841. Version copied 18 Apr. 1842 in Hancock Co., IL, Deed Records, vol. K, pp. 159–162; unidentified handwriting; Hancock County Recorder’s Office, Carthage, IL; microfilm at FHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Deed to Robert Peirce, 28 Feb. 1842.
This Indenture, made and entered into this fifth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty one Between Joseph Smith and his wife of the County of [p. 159]