Deed to William Marks, 10 April 1837–E, as Recorded in Geauga County Deeds
Source Note
JS and , Deed for property in , Geauga Co., OH, to , 10 Apr. 1837; signed by JS and ; witnessed by and ; certified by . Version copied 15 July 1837 in Geauga Co., OH, Deed Record, vol. 24, p. 189; handwriting of ; Geauga County Archives and Records Center, Chardon, OH. Includes seals.
Deed to William Marks, 10 April 1837–E, as Recorded in Geauga County Deeds
Page 189
Joseph Smith Jr To
To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting: Know Ye that We Joseph Smith Jr and his wife of the Township of County of and State of for the consideration of five hundred dollars received to our full satisfaction of of the town of County of and State of , do give, grant bargain sell and confirm unto the said the following described tract or lot of land situate in Township No. 9 in the Ninth Range of townships in the Connecticut Western Reserve in the State of and which is also in the County of and is known as part of Lot No 31 and is bounded as follows, to Wit; Beginning at the centre of the State Road leading from to by at s Southwest corner, formerly owned by Widow Doan, thence South 24 degrees East about 25 rods to even with 36 Rods South of the northeast corner of the Stone meeting house, thence East 20 rods and 13 feet & 6 inches to even with the Southeast corner of four acres of Land deeded to the said J Smith Jr. by , thence North 24 degrees West 33 links to the said J Smith Jr. land thence Westerly bounding on the North on the Said Joseph Smith Jrs. land 22 rods to the highway— thence North 24 degrees west bounding on said Joseph Smith Junrs. Land 24 Rods to s land thence Westerly bounding on Said s land about 30 feet to the place of beginning containing Sixty six square Rods of land, subject to highways be the same more or less— To have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises with the appurtenances thereof unto the said heirs and assigns for ever to their own proper use and behoof And also I the said Joseph Smith Jr do for myself and heirs executors and administrators covenant with the said his heirs and assigns that at and until the ensealing of these presents I was well seized of these premises and as a good indefeasible estate in fee simple and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as is above Written and that the same is free from all incumbrances Whatsoever And furthermore I the said Joseph Smith Jr do by these presents bind myself and my heirs forever to Warrant and defend the above granted and bargained premises to him the said his heirs and assigns against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever. And I the said do hereby remise, release, and forever unto the said his heirs and assigns all my right and title of dower in and to the above described premises. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and Seals this tenth day of April A. D. one thousand Eight hundred and thirty Seven
Joseph Smith Jr. Seal
Signed Sealed acknowledged and delivered in presence of — .)
The State of Ohio)
ss [scilicet])
Personally appeared Joseph Smith & to me personally known as the Signers and Sealers of the above Instrument and acknowledged that they did Voluntarily Sign & Seal the same and that the same is their free act and will. And I having fully made known and explained to the said the contents of the above deed and having likewise examined her Separate and apart from her said husband she declared that She did of her own free will and accord voluntarily sign seal acknowledge and as her free act and deed deliver the same without the force coercion, or compulsion of her said husband and that she is still satisfied with the same. 10th. April A. D. 1837