Discourse, 27 August 1843, as Reported by James Burgess
Source Note
JS, Discourse, [, Hancock Co., IL, 27 Aug. 1843]. Featured version copied [between 27 Aug. 1843 and Dec. 1848] in James Burgess, Journal and Notebook, Oct. 1841–Dec. 1848, verso, pp. [14]–[18]; handwriting of ; James Burgess, Journals, 1841–1848, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Discourse, 6 Apr. 1843–B, as Reported by James Burgess.
and if the of this generation has no more power than that of Levi or Aron or of a bishoprick it administers no blessings but cursings for it was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I ask was there any power attending this priesthood Oh no that would admit a man into the presence of God. Oh no, but Abraham’s was a more exalted power or priesthood he could talk and walk with God and yet consider how great this man was when even this patriarch Abraham gave a tenth part of all his spoils and then received a blessing under the hands of Melchesideck even the last law or a fulness of the law or priesthood which constituted him a king and priest after the order of Melchesideck or an endless life. Now if Abraham had been like the sectarian world and would not have received any more revelation, what would have been the consequence it would have damned him. Book of Covenants. The was an appendage to the [p. [15]]