place.— John saw. the actual beast itself. <it was> to let John know that beasts existed there & not to represent figurs of things on the Earth.—— <The> prophets always had interpretati[o]ns of the[i]r visions &c
God always holds himself respons[i]ble to give revelati[o]ns of his visions & <if> he does it not. we are not responsible.—
speculators need not fear they shall be condemnd. if God has given no Rev[elation]
How do you prove John saw visions Beasts in heaven? 5 <C[hapter]> 11 <v—> Revelation.— 13 verse every creature. which was in heaven and on the Earth
I John saw all beasts &c in heaven. for I expect he saw the beasts of <a> 1000 forms <from> 10,000 worlds like this.— the grand secret was to tell what [p. [99]]