and they thought it was hisa his spirit. & they were afr[a]id to approach his spirit. Angels have advanced higher in knowledge & power than Spirits
had some enemies, but such a man ought not to have had an enemy. I saw him first at . when on my way from to . he sought me out when a stranger. took me to his house. encoura[ge]d & cheered me & give me money— when men are prepared. they are better off to go hence.— has gone to open up a more effectual door for the dead.—
Flesh and blood cannot go there but flesh and bones quickened by the Spirit of God can
If we would be sober. & watch in fasting and prayer. God would tu[r]n away sickness from our midst. Hasten the work of the . and all the work of the Last Days. Let the & do away light mi[n]dedness and be sober.— [p. [122]]