Note that only the editorial content created specifically for this issue of the Elders’ Journal is annotated here. Articles reprinted from other papers, letters, conference minutes, and notices, are reproduced here but not annotated. Items that are stand-alone JS documents, such as the letter from Wilford Woodruff and others, are annotated elsewhere.
this minority only wished them to continue in office little longer, or until Joseph Smith jr. came up.
In ’s settlement, the saints assembled, agreeable to appointment, on the 6th inst. when they unanimously rejected the three above named presidents.
Also on the 7th, the saints assembled at agreable to appointment, where the above named presidents were unanimously rejected.
Also, on the 8th, dwelling house, they were unanimously rejected by the assembly.
Also, at , on the 9th, the Saints unanimously rejected them.
At a meeting of the High Council, the and his Council, Feb. 10, 1838, it was moved, seconded and carried, that , and , stand no longer as Chairmen and Clerk, to sign and record liscences.
Also, voted that and be authorized to attend to said business for the time being.
Also, voted that and be Presidents, pro tempore, of the church of Latter Day Saints in , or until Presidents J. Smith Jr. and arrives in the land of Zion.
You will see by the above, that quite a change has taken place among us, of late, and we hope it is for the better; and we rejoice that we have a prospect of having things in a good degree straightened by the time you arrive here. We saw plainly, from the movement of things that the church was about to go to pieces, in consequence of the wickedness of those men, we therefore have done what we have; which thing has given the church general satisfaction, they also appear to be well united, and determined to cleave to the first presidency, that is, the three first.
Had we not taken the above measures, we think that nothing could have prevented a rebellion against the whole high council and ; so great was the disaffection against the presidents, that the people began to be jealous, that the whole authorities were inclined to uphold these men in wickedness, and in a little time the church, undoubtedly, would have gone, every man to his own way, like sheep without a shepherd.
We concluded, that as you were coming up soon, it would be well to not appoint regular presidents of this branch; as probably more satisfaction would be had among the people, to have none but the three first.
The High Council are well united together, and with yourself. The and his council are united with us now, and all misunderstanding removed. We believe that intends to be with you and us; although he was not with us in the meetings.
We hear that the above men intend to call the church together again, for a rehearing; but as they have no authority now, we think that their influence will not be sufficient to bring the people together. We know that such an attempt would be to divide and scatter the flock; and we intend to be faithful to warn the people of this thing. The people seem to wish to have the whole law of God lived up to; and we think that the church will rejoice to come up to the law of consecration, as soon as their leaders shall say the word, or show them how to do it. In a word, we are persuaded that the most part of the people wish to become sanctified by the law of God. Dear Brother, may our God speedily open the way for you and your ’s family, with our beloved brother , to come among us. Your presence is absolutely necessary for the salvation of this church: Do hasten therefore, to onr [our] relief, our enemies are bitter against us, and will do all the injury they can to you, to us, and to the church.
In the name of the church, we say hold us by your faith, until you get here. We flatter ourselves that you will have the church in , in a situation to leave them as soon as the rivers open. Although these men speak against your proceedings, they are mute when you are present, and the great body is determined to follow you.
Agreable to your request, and wrote, and sent to you our testimony, relative to what said about the girl, and mailed it on the 4th inst. but lest that letter should not reach you through the iniquity of men, I here send you the same, with the addition of ’s testimony. They may not be the same words as the other, for we have not a copy of the former letter, however, this is the same in substance, with some addition.
This may certify, that I heard say to Joseph Smith Jr., while at ’ house, in , that he (Joseph) never confessed to him, () that he was guilty of the crime alledged to him. And gave me to understand that Joseph Smith Jr. never acknowledged to him, that he ever confessed to any one, that he was guilty of the above crime.
This may certify, that I heard say, in my house, that Joseph Smith Jr. never confessed to him, that he was guilty of the crime alledged against him, and Joseph asked if he ever said to him, () that he confessed to any one that he, (Joseph) was guilty of the above crime, and , after some hesitation, answered, no.
This may certify, that having heard the report about the crime above referred to, I asked , last fall, when Joseph Smith was in the , if the report was true, for said I, if it is, as he is to be presented before the church, I wish to know of the truth of this matter before hand. And he gave me to understand, either in plain words or implications, that it was false. I bear this testimony for the good of the honest hearted in the east, and else where, and for the good of brother Joseph Smith Jr. will please copy this in the letter to the east, and keep the original here.
, Feb. 15, 1838.
Dear Brother, we lament that such foul and false reports should be circulated in concerning yourself. We are persuaded that none but those who wish your overthrow, will believe them, and we presume that the above [p. 45]