apostles, so these were infuriated against the Mormons, because of their discomfiture by them; and instead of owning the truth, and rejoicing in it, they were ready to gnash upon them with their teeth and to persecute and prosecute the believers in principles they could not disprove.
The political party was those who were of opposite politics from <to> us. There were always two parties, the Whigs and the Democrats; and we could not vote for one party without offending the other; and it not unfrequently happened that candidates for office, would place the issue of their election upon opposition to the Mormons, in order to gain political influence from religions predjudice; in which case the Mormons were compelled, in self defence, to vote against them; which resulted almost invariably against our opponents. This made them angry; and although it was of their own provoking, and the Mormons could not be expected to do otherwise; yet they raged, on account of their discomfiture, and sought to wreak their fury on the Mormons. As an instance of the above, when was candidate for the office of Governor of , he pledged himself to his party, that, if he could be elected, he would exterminate or drive the Mormons from the ; the consequence was that was elected. <The following are his remarks: *> <* The Whigs seeing that they had been outgeneralled by the democrats, in securing the Mormon vote, became seriously alarmed & sought to repair their desaster by raising a Fund of crusade against that people. The Whig newspapers teemed with accounts of the wonders & enormities of ; & of the awful wickedness of a party which would consent to recieve the support of such miscriants. , who was really a brave honest man, & who had nothing to do with getting the Mormon charters passed through the legislature, took the stump on this subject in good earnest, & expected to be elected governor almost on this question alone.” There Fords History of Illinois p. 269>
The third party composed of Counterfeiters, Blacklegs, Horse thieves & Cutthroats, were a pack of scoundrels that infested the whole of that Western country at that time. In some districts their influence was so great as to control important and offices <on this subject has the following:> <I> <See ’s History> There was a [p. 4]