, Letter, , Orleans Parish, LA, to JS, , Hancock Co., IL, 8 Jan. 1844; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of and ; three pages; JS Collection, CHL.
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I suppose that es arangement with Miller is such a one as he calculates he will get her back again but if she should not make money enough to pay her debts within 3 or 4 months the result is doubtful and if Miller holds on to her and having the command there is no way that I can bring her home— For the time being untill I hear from you I shall remai[n] on bord as clerk representing the interest specifyed in my charter she will run in the Bayou Lafoache and Bayou LaThurbone can make one trip a weeke can carry about 100 Hhd [hogsheads] sugar and 100 B[arrels] of molasses <which at> the present prices of freight would amt to $35000 and if up freight and pasage mony will pay half of <her> expences she will do well— the navigation is represented to be a safe one Large Boats can not enter Bayou La Thurbone as there is but about three feet water I feel in hopes the boat may be able to pay her debts in this trade. I have thus far ben governed by what I have considered your best interest please acquaint me if it meets your approbation and give me such further directions as you may wish me to follow—
says he will return to and settle with you honorable but he is incensed against me captMrsJonesespecially
If you write him resquesting him to do I think he will— I understand the consideration for the one half was $1500 the expence of repairs & debts from said half to come out. The contract for carpenters work in repairs is let at $300 the castings for eng[in]e $61 wages of engineers and other hands while laying here will $60 or 70 more so that when she leaves port she will owe at least $1100, according to present arangement one half of this will be owing to capt Miller and the other half I raise on the charter on my own acco[u]nt thus So if Miller is disposed to do right the Boat will not be troubled there is some finessing between Miller and which at present I can not understand but I guess Miller keeps the half anny way.— I shall look with anxiety for an answer to this