, Letter, , Philadelphia Co., PA, to JS, [, Hancock Co., IL], 20 May 1844; handwriting presumably of ; two pages; JS Collection, CHL.
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May 20 /44
Dear Sir
it has bean som time I have had it in minde to write you afue [a few] lines on the subject of the pollicy of of our of the hole state of afairs apears to me to be in a confution pretey [pretty] much like men & things of this world are I am an hosnest democrat and want to see my prosperous I would requst the propriety of your offering your Self to the people for the high office of presedent of theas I am a ware thare is tho[u]sands that would vote for you even at this late hour if you could not git it this year it would prepar[e] the way for 4 years to cum and I think it is high time to look a head I have had much conversation on this subject with others but having those things came in to my minde is not to be explaind at this time but I am one of those men that beleave the spirit of god impres[s]es the mind of man both sleep and a wake if wee would pay more attention to it than wee do wee should know more of god but to the subject I want you to send me afue lines on the subject Direct your letter to baltimere [Baltimore] 2 weaks from this time I [s]hall be in baltimore loos [lose] no time send it as quick as you can perhaps I may go on to the western cuntrey this spring when I reseve an ansor from you I will wright more fully on this bisness [p. [1]]