, Letter, , Philadelphia Co., PA, to JS, , Hancock Co., IL, 17 Aug. 1843; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of and Jonathan Grimshaw; four pages; JS Collection, CHL.
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but the Twelve coming, in a day or two, my room, has been crowded preventing me from writing &c. . . — last, Munday. Elder. was requested, to visit, but could not as he had to go to that Morning I was to go to the same House, with him, so, I, went a Lone. I was informed that . was wanted to explain, &c, as it was not on, Mathematical subjects. I. thought it might <be dificult,> for him, to interp[r]et it, and as he was coming back to the next week, I thought it best to make all things shure, so I went to work in the, name of the Lord, and after using evry argement that, I could, they delivered into my Hands, all that <I> wanted, March, &, June, I am now in <an> up<p>er room, I will at this moment light my, Lamp, and offer, a sacrifice of evrything that I have obtained. . . . as a witness before the Lord, that. I will be true to you in time & in Eternity, I have made the ofring the Smoke and flame has assended, I obtained <the Let[ters],> on this, <condision> that if I got an ansor, they or <She> Should see it, in this mater whatever you say I will do but if you write, direct to, me, if you pleas, as this is their request, they all feel better (Miss, S, cried. Like <a> Child when these things was made known to me) they think you canot explain it. if <I> can I will get them all to <come> to , Miss, S, was sick and had , , lay hands on her, they said that she felt quite chearful, the <Family> think it vary strang[e] that their friend should advise one & not all, what did he meane by sending money, attendance &c, and about Matrimony, and the will of the <Lord.> , has. thught [taught] me principle, &c, , I found [k]new about the matte[r] so I read to them, they said it should be even as you desired in the Lord even so Amen, I told them the care that, I, <had> pursued, & the one I was going to take, they said it was rite and the Lord would bless me for so doing [p. [3]]