, Letter, , to JS and Quorum of the Twelve, , Hancock Co., IL, 1–2 Mar. 1844; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of , Jonathan Grimshaw, , and unidentified scribe; four pages; JS Collection, CHL. Includes postal markings.
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March the 1st. 1844
To President Joseph Smith & the Quorum of the Twelve—
Dear and beloved Bretheren in the Lord—
Haveing a few moments of leasure I improve them in pening a sketch for your purusal to let you know my circumstances and what I am about and what my present prospects are relative to my mission in this great —
I arrived here on the 17th. of last month it being Saturday and late in the evening I put up at Mr Galabinn’s Hotel for sunday, being an intire stranger and having had no time to get out an opointment to preach or to find a place to do so, for the first time I kept sunday without Preaching since I left twenty two months ago, on Monday my first busyness was to find a place to board suitable to my means I found I had called at one of the dearest places of boarding in the first asking ten dollars per week but finaly offered to board me for at one dollar per day I stayed two days and they finding out who I was and what my calling was only took $1–50 cents for the whole amount
I found a place to board at at a private family <residence> at two dollars and fifty cents per week my washing will cost fifty cents per week— I next found an engine house lecture room to preach in at four dollars per week to ocupy it on sunday’s and sunday evening’s and Tuesday and Thursday evenings thus you see my expences are one dollar per day at present all I have received yet as a donation from the people is one dollar and forty two cents sixty two cents was a voluetary [voluntary] gift of some ladys whome I had not seen before to my knowledge who steped forward to the stand at the close of my third lecture and put the change on the desk for me last evening was the first attempt I made to rais a collections 80 cents was raisid I have learned today that there is an effort about to be made by some gentlmen to hire the Apolo Hall for me <to> lecture in there are some already accused by their friends and associates of being “mormons” whether they will be <such> eventualy [p. [1]]