Letter from Lyman Wight and Heber C. Kimball, 19–24 June 1844
Source Note
and , Letter, , Philadelphia Co., PA, to JS, [, Hancock Co., IL], 19–24 June 1844; handwriting of ; signature in handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of ; notation in unidentified handwriting; sixteen pages; JS Collection, CHL.
and proceeded and called the Church together in this place and instructed them Spiritually and politically, learnt that the church numbered nearly 700. On the 23d. we left on the board the Boat “Louis “Phillippe” at half past 12 Oclock, with about 200 Passengers on board of the boat many of the Same that were on the “Ospry” on together [with?] many new Passengers. there were at first some little prejudices existing. being called upon to deliver a discourse upon the principles of our doctrine, it allayed the prejudices entirely. Next Evining was called upon to delevir [deliver] another address which he done in power and demonstration of the Spirit We were ever afterwards looked upon as their superiors and not inferiors. the 24 26th. we reachid at 6 Oclock P. M.— and went to visit the Church in that whilst I changed our trunks and Luggage on board the Boat “Neptune” for all the passengers on board the “Louis Phillippe” being bound for came with us of course on the 27th. in the morn[in]g at 8 oclock we held a conference with the Elders in . I addressed them on the subject of politics and perseverance of duty and the great necessity of a changeof reform <in> of government. I was follwd by Brothers & on the same subject [p. 2]