, Letter, , to JS, , Hancock Co., IL, 26 Apr. 1844; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of Jonathan Grimshaw and unidentified scribes; seven pages; JS Collection, CHL.
The book is a most valuable document to any one contemplating a journey to . The Directions which I have given may not be exactly correct. but the book will tell correctly
says he can Direct Mr. Smith to several gentlemen in who will be able to give him any information on the state of affairs in that , and when he returns to he will visit Mr. Smith.
and myself drafted a bill this morning and handed it into the committee on the Judiciary from the Senate, asking an appropiation of 2,000,000 Dolls for the relief of the of the sufferers among our people in in 1838— & 9— to be deposited in the hands of the City Council of , and by them dealt out to the sufferers in proportion to their loss. We intend to tease them until we either provoke them, or get them to do something for us. I have learned this much; that if we want Congress to do any thing for us; in drawing up our memorial, we must not ask, what is right in the matter; but we must ask, what kind of a thing will Congress pass? Will it suit the politicks of the majority? Will it be popular or unpopular? For you might as well drive a musked ball through a cotton bag, or the gospel of Christ through the heart of a priest, case hardened by sectarinism [p. 5]