See the full bibliographic entry for JS Collection, 1827–1844, in the CHL catalog.
JS’s journal records that a letter was sent to Clyde, Williams & Co. “giving a history of the faith of the chu[r]ch for their Book of Denom[i]nations” on 15 September 1843. This letter was a revised version of the 1842 document “Church History” sent to John Wentworth, the owner and publisher of the Chicago Democrat. The article was published in the 1844 book as a chapter titled “Latter Day Saints.” (JS, Journal, 15 Sept. 1843; “Church History,” 1 Mar. 1842; JS, “Latter Day Saints,” 1844; see also William W. Phelps, Historical Article, Sept. 1843, CHL.)
The facsimile was originally included in the second installment of the Book of Abraham. A loose broadside version of Facsimile 2 was later printed. (“The Book of Abraham,” Times and Seasons, 15 Mar. 1842, 3:719–722; “A Fac-simile from the Book of Abraham, No. 2.,” Second Issue, between ca. 15 Mar. 1842 and 1 Apr. 1843.)