[, (Viator, pseud.)], Letter, , Hancock Co., IL, to the Editor of Boston Daily Bee, , Suffolk Co., MA, 18 Aug. 1843, draft; handwriting of ; four pages; “Truthiana No. 8 [9],” Truthiana, 1843, drafts, CHL.
Sir:— In my two last communications I briefly touched upon the right of the law in , and the peculiar constitutional powers, &c, of , in this I propose to hint at the literary spirit of , as it seems to be rising upon that scale, <of notoriety,> which, the <of> what was and is, in after years, makes up “the history of the times.” There [are] many common schools in where the germs of greatness are planted; and, if they, as the Mormons seem very apt to do, nourish, and cherish them, in a masterly manner, the world may witness the blessing of a harvest, rich abundant, yielding even an hundred fold; of the good things of intellect.
From one of the literati, not the prophet I have taken the liberty to send you a new translation of the 18 chapter of Isaiah, which he made not long since from the <Hebrew> text of “Michaelis.” It appears to me that it will compare with any of the Catholic, church of England, or other sectarian translations, in <point of> clearness of expression, sublimity of thought, or literal application.
Perhaps professor Stewat [Moses Stuart] of Andover <and the renowned of Bethany, Va> orSohm <the> Sophmores of Cambridge <and Yale>, or other <some> “legate of the skies, will come forth” to the help of the mighty, show <and> show still a better; if so, <I doubt not> will be ready; so here it is: [p. 1]