Sir, The Military is attracting the attention of the citiz[e]ns to a great extent at the present, time. From the little I have seen of their comp[a]ny, regimental & officer tranings I anticapte [anticipate] a glorious fete on the 6[th]. of May, a day of General parade for the whole . Yesteday was their officer drill, an exercise which occurs twice per annum, when all the officers commissiond & noncommisioned belonging to the legion, undergo a most thorough disciplinary exercise under the command of the drill Master General, Col , who appears to undestad [understand] his duty well and surely he has the command of as noble a looking set of fellows, as I ever saw under arms,— andthe Editor of the Telegraph after having a view ofSome [illegible] but I will be able to give a more minute description of this Romish Legion, after the General Rendezvoux.
The Legislatue of ,
This wonderful people originally received the charters— corporate for the City of . Nauvoo Legion &c from the Legislature of , with the powers of perpetualsucecssion, but strange as it May seem to men of sense, the last legislature of this were so foolish as to suppose they had the right to recind the Mormonperpetualcharters, and a[c]tually would would have done it if it had not been for the unwearied exertion of the Represe[n]tatives. of , who doubtess felt a great interest in the matter as the Mormon vote is getting quite popular in their own , & “wo” to the politician who opens his lips or lifts his hand agai[n]st them. The Mormons go the whole for equal rights & privileges— but they wont “bear snubbing” at all. , Brother to the Great prophet shewed himself off as the Lion of the House of Represtatvs, & fought for the constituetns [constituents] of his not as a bird of prey but a migty chieftin, but such was the Repudiati[o]n fever, at the house that they would rather dissolve the union than have their [p. [1]]