Letter to the Editors, 17 May 1839, as Published in Quincy Whig
Source Note
, JS, and , Letter, , Hancock Co., IL, to the editors of the Quincy Whig, , Adams Co., IL, 17 May 1839. Version published in Quincy Whig, 25 May 1839, p. [1]. Transcription from a microfilm image courtesy of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum and Library.
Gentlemen: Some letters in your paper have appeared over the signature of , in relation to our affairs with . We consider that it is ’s privilege to express his opinion in relation to political or religious matters, and we profess no authority in the case whatever; but we have thought, and do still think, that it is not doing our cause justice, to make a political question of it in any manner whatever. We have not at any time thought, that there was any political party as such, chargable with the barbarities, neither any religious society as such. They were committed by a mob, composed of all parties, regardless of all differences of opinion, either political or religious.
The determined stand in this , and by the people of in particular, made againsi the lawless outrages of ths mobbers, by all parties in politics and religion, have entitled them equally to our thanks and our profoundest regard; and such, gentlemen, we hope they will always receive from us. Favors of this kind ought to be engraven on the rock to last forever.
We wish to say to the public through your paper, that we disclaim any intention of making a political question of our difficulties with , believing that we are not justified in so doing. We ask the aid of all parties, both in politics and religion, to have justice done us and obtain redress of our grievances. We think, gentlemen, in so saying we have the feelings of our people generally, however individuals may differ; and we wish you to consider the letters of , as the feelings and views of an individual, but not of the as such. We are satisfied that our people, as a body, disclaim all such sentiments, and feel themselves equally bound to both parties, in this , as far as kindness is concerned, and good will; and also believe, that all political parties in are equally guilty.
Should this note meet the public eye through the medium of your paper, it will much oblige your humble servants,