JS, License, to Josiah Miller, , Geauga Co., OH, 26 Feb. 1838; printed form with manuscript additions in the handwriting of Joseph Pine; signatures of JS and Joseph Pine; docket in unidentified handwriting; one page; International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Pioneer Memorial Museum, Salt Lake City.
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THIS Certifies thatJosiah Miller has been received into the , organized on the sixth of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred, and thirty, and has been a according to the rules and regulations of said church, and is duly authorized to preach the gospel, agreeably to the authority of that office.
From the satisfactory evidence which we have of his good moral character, and his zeal for the cause of righteousness, and diligent desire to persaude men to forsake evil and embrace truth, we confidently recommend him to all candid and upright people, as a worthy member of society.
We, therefore, in the name, and by the authority of this church, grant unto this, our worthy brother in the Lord, this letter of commendation as a proof of our fellowship and esteem: praying for his success and prosperity in our Redeemer’s cause.
Given by the direction of a of the elders of said church, assembled in , Geauga county, Ohio, the third day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred, and thirty six.