Minute Book 1, Index, [1].
Revelation, 22–23 Sept. 1832 [D&C 84:76].
Letter to Edward Partridge and Others, 14 Jan. 1833. Despite the letter’s assertion to the contrary, not all twelve high priests were in attendance at the September meeting. Hyde himself and Samuel Smith were preaching in the eastern states in September 1832. (Hyde, Journal, 22 Sept. 1832; Samuel Smith, Diary, 22 Sept. 1832.)
Hyde, William. Journal, ca. 1868–1873. CHL. MS 1549.
Smith, Samuel. Diary, Feb. 1832–May 1833. CHL. MS 4213.
Revelation, between ca. 8 and ca. 24 Mar. 1832; Revelation, 11 Nov. 1831–B [D&C 107:78–79].
Coltrin noted in his journal that the conference met on 14 January solely “fore the purpose of Sending a letter up to Zion.” (Coltrin, Diary and Notebook, 13–14 Jan. 1833.)
Coltrin, Zebedee. Diary and Notebook, 1832–1833. Zebedee Coltrin, Diaries, 1832–1834. CHL. MS 1443, fd. 2.