Nauvoo high council, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 17 Aug. 1840. Version copied [ca. 17 Aug. 1840] in Nauvoo High Council Minutes, rough copy, 14–16; handwriting of ; CHL.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
*Minutes, 17 August 1840
Page 15
Fourthly, For being privey to taking my rails and destroying my garden.
Fifthly, For justifying for so doing and appoving of the act or conduct.
Sixthly, For embezeling property to prevent the payment of debts.
Seventhly For having made false statements about pill nostrums, saying that they had had the effect in his family last fall and winter set forth by said , to wit; that he the said had used them twenty years and they had never failed of effecting a complete and radical cure; when it is a well known fact that and his family were sick nigh unto death during the fall and winter: thus endeavoring to vindicate the conduct of in palming his deception on community.
Eightly For acting an unrighteous and unholy part in the , and because I opposed his course he sought for evil against me, to slander and defame my character destroy my influence and drive me from <my> seat in the council: that the council might enter immediately into the consecraration law, which he publickly declared was the determination of the High Council, and I alone opposed their procedings and had spoken against the procedings of the High Council in public Stating that the council of the was contrary to the procedings of the High Council and that President was vested with the authority of the First Presidency in he absence of the other two Presidents, which was contended was not so: and I whom was charged with weakening or diminishing the influence of the High Council by speaking in public against the procedings of that quorum, which was the first charge made against me to drive me from the council, and was followed [p. 15]