Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 22 July 1842. Version published in Wasp, 23 July 1842, vol. 1, no. 15, p. [3]. For more complete source information, see the source note for Notice, 28 Apr. 1842.
At a meeting of the citizens of the city of held in said city at the meeting ground, July 22d 1842.
Esq. was called to the chair and was appointed clerk.
The meeting was called to order by the who stated the object of the meeting to be to obtain an expression of the public mind in reference to the reports gone abroad, calumniating the character of Joesph Smith. Gen. then rose and presented the following resolution.
Resolved—That, having heard that was circulating many base falsehoods respecting a number of the citizens of , and especially against our worthy and respected Mayor, Joseph Smith, we do hereby manifest to the world that so far as we are acquainted with Joseph Smith we know him to be a good, moral, virtuous, peaceable and patriotic man, and a firm supporter of law, justice and equal rights; that he at all times upholds and keeps inviolate the constitution of this and of the .
A vote was then called and the resolution adopted by a large concourse of citizens, numbering somewhere about a thousand men. Two or three, voted in the negative.
then rose and spoke at some length in explanation of his negative vote. Pres. Joseph Smith spoke in reply—Question, to —“Have you personally a knowledge of any immoral act in me?” Answer, by Elder —‘Personally, I have not.’— Elder responeed at some length. Elder then spoke in reply, and was fo[l]lowed by Elders and Pres. . Several others spoke bearing testimony of the iniquity of those who had calumniated Pres. J. Smith’s character.
Meeting adjourned for one hour.
P. M. Meeting assembled pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the .
A petition was then received from a committee appointed by the city council for the reception, approbation, and s[i]gnatures of the citizens generally, petitioning the of for protection in our peaceable rights, which was read approved, and signed by,