Nauvoo high council, Minutes, [, Hancock Co., IL], 27 Oct. 1839, draft; handwriting of ; one page; Nauvoo Stake high council minutes, 1839 October–1845 October, CHL. Includes notation.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
*Minutes, 27 October 1839
Page [1]
of the met according to adjournment— Oct 27th 1839—
Joseph Smith Jun informed the council that the wages of the clerk must <be> reconsidered— It was— And was voted that be Clk and that his wages be $30— pr Month during his service as Clerk—
voted that the resolution of the last meeting of this council respecting the red store <& that the Markham hous supply the place> be erased & discontinued—
voted that this council <& Treasurer> pay to $150. for the portion of ferry owned on the side at as pr Charter
voted that be the person to Select hymns compile and publish a Hym book for the use of the Church and that a letter be written to at informing him of the Same and not to publish the Hymns taken from by him—
Voted that this council assist in the expense of publishing a Hymn Book as also in publishing the Times & Seasons—Motioned & voted that <this> meeting be adjourned until tomorrow evening at <earlycandle light> at the house of J Smith Jun