Nauvoo high council, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 3 July 1840. Featured version copied [between 14 Feb. 1842 and 1 Jan. 1843] in Nauvoo High Council Minutes, fair copy, pp. 64–66; handwriting of ; CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Minutes, 27 Oct. 1839.
Historical Introduction
On 3 July 1840, the met to reconsider a memorial from JS requesting that he be relieved from his active involvement in the ’s temporal affairs, especially those related to land sales in Nauvoo, Illinois. At its 20 June meeting, the high council passed resolutions aimed at granting JS’s request, but JS vetoed the council’s decisions. Although the high council passed additional resolutions at this 3 July meeting, the decisions were essentially the same as those made on 20 June. The 3 July minutes do not specify if JS attended, but it is probable he was there to ensure that the high council addressed his concerns in a way that met his approbation.
As clerk pro tem of the meeting, took the minutes. At some point after 14 February 1842 and likely before the end of that year, Stout recorded the minutes into the high council record book.
Stout indicated that he recorded minutes of earlier meetings on 14 February 1842. He originally misdated these minutes, indicating that he copied the minutes in 1842. (Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 19 Apr. 1840, 56.)
Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 1839–1845. CHL. LR 3102 22.
July 3rd1842 <1840>. The of the of Illinois met in Council at the office of Joseph Smith jr.
1 The subject of the memmorial of Joseph Smith jr was again taken up for a rehearing, according to the decision of the last Council (June 27) and the following resolutions were passed unanimously.
1st Resolved— that we feel perfectly satisfied with the course taken by Joseph Smith jr & feel a disposition as far as it is in our power to assist him so as to relieve him from the temporalities of the Church in [p. 64]