Minutes, 3 March 1836, as Published in Latter Day Saints’ Messenger and Advocate
Source Note
Minutes, , Geauga Co., OH, 3 Mar. 1836. Version published in Latter Day Saints’ Messenger and Advocate, Feb. 1836, 2:266–268. The copy used for transcription is held at CHL.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
*Minutes, 3 March 1836
Page 267
The committee appointed on the 24 of February to draft resolutions for the better regulation of the of said , made their report, which was read three times by the chairman of said committee, after which an addition was made to the 6th articles, extending the power of the chairman and clerk pro-tem pore to act in the absence of the standing chairman and clerk. The following is a copy of the report of a committee appointed by the authorities of the church of Latter Day Saints, assembled in the in , Feb. 24th 1836, for the purpose of drafting resolutions to regulate the manner of licenses to the official members of said church which were to be presented to said authorities for their consideration.
Whereas the records of the several , held by the of the church, and the of many of the official members of the same, in many cases, have been imperfectly kept since the organization, to avoid ever after, any inconvenience, difficulty or injury in consequence of such neglect your committee recommend.
1 That all licenses hereafter granted by these authorities assembled as a , or by general conferences held for the purpose of transacting the business of the church, to be recorded at full length by a clerk, appointed for that purpose in a book to be kept in this of the church until it shall be thought advisable by the heads of the church, to order other books and appoint other clerks to record licenses as above. And that said recording clerk be required to endorse a certificate, under his own hand and signature on the back of said licenses, specifying the time when, and place where such licenses were recorded, and also a reference to the letter and page of the book containing the same.
2 That this quorum appoint two persons to sign Licenses given as aforesaid, one as chairman, and the other as clerk of conference, and that it shall be the duty of said person appointed to sign licenses as clerk of Conferences, immediately thereafter, to deliver the same into the hands of the recording clerk.
3 That all general conferences abroad give each individual, whom they ordain, a certificate signed by the chairman and clerk of said conference, stating the time and place of such conference, and the office to which the individual has been ordained; and that when such certificate has been forwarded to the person hereafter authorized to sign licenses as clerk of conference, such person shall, together with the chairman of conference, immediately sign a license, and said clerk of conference shall, after the same has been recorded, forward it to the proper person.
4 That all official members in good standing and fellowship in the various branches of this church, be requested to forward their present licenses accompanied by a certificate of their virtuous walk before the Lord, signed by the chairman and clerk of the general conference, or by the clerk of the branch of the church, in which such official member resides, by the advice and direction of such church to the clerk of conference, whose duty it shall be to fill a new license as directed in the 3d article: And that all licenses signed recorded and endorsed, as specified in the first article, shall be considered good and valid to all intents and purposes in the business, and spiritual affairs of this church as a religious society, or before any court of record of this or any other country wherein preachers of the Gospel are entitled to special privileges, answering in all respects as an original record without the necessity of refering to any other document.
5 That the recording clerk be required to publish quarterly in a paper published by some member or members of the church, a list of names of the several persons for whom he has recorded licenses within the last quarter.
6 That this quorum appoint two persons to sign as chairman and clerk of conferences, Pro tempore licenses for the standing chairman and clerk, who shall be appointed as named in the 2d article and also to act in their absence in signing other licenses, as specified in the foregoing article.
Feb. 27 1836.
The several bodies were then called upon for their decision upon the foregoing report. The being first called upon gave a unanimous vote, in [p. 267]