Resolved That the Legion parade be on the fourth Saturday in September, annually instead of the third as at present.
Resolved That the 35th section of the “Revized law[”] be and is hereby repealed, and also the 39th section of the same so far as relates to the pay of the Chief musician and also the 21st section of the same law as far as relates to the Legion parade.
Resolved That Brevet Majr Genl be added to the the Committee of Revision.
Resolved That be, and is hereby authorized to pay the expences of the Committee to for arms, out of the first money that comes into his hands belonging to the Nauvoo Legion.
Resolved That this Court adjourn to the second Saturday (the 13th) in January 1844 at ten o’clock A. M.
Secretary pro tem.
Approved November 8th 1843.
Joseph Smith Lieutenant General Nauvoo Legion. [p. 70]