privates two dollars, and for delinquencies at officer drills or any Regimental, Battalion or company parade, or any other muster fixed or ordered agreeably to this act, or for neglect of any orders of a superior officer, they shall be fined in proportion to rank as recited in the foregoing part of this section, in one half the sums aforesaid.
Sec. 29. That fathers shall be bound for the payment of fines incured by their sons under twenty-one years of age, guardians for the payment of fines incured by their wards; and masters for the payment of fines incured by their apprentices; to be charged and collected accordingly.
Sec. 30. That on complaint of a commissioned officer in writting to a superior officer, charging any officer, under the command of such superior, with neglect of any of the duties enjoined on them by this act, of disobedience of orders or of being guilty of any conduct unbecoming an officer or a gentleman, such superior officer shall, if he thinks the complaint sufficient cause for an arrest, cause the officer against whom such complaint <is> made, to be arrested by notifying such officer in writing that he is suspended from command untill acquitted from such arrest; stating at the same time, the grounds of such arrest, and the time and place of trial; and the same time notify the officer next in command, that in consequence of such arrest, he is required to do the duties which were enjoined on the officer so arrested; Provided, That when any superior officer shall consider the charges [p. 52]