who was — when he came here had scarce 2 shi[r]ts— was dandld by the authorities of the .— Now. Editer— of the Expositor— his right hand man who he Confesd to him <the sp[e]aker> he had had the Pox.— &c— has lifted his hand again[s]t the municipality of God Almighty. and the curse of God shall rest up[o]n him.
Mr. Washington Peck Sworn— said. soon after came heree said came to him— and wa[n]ted to have loan som[e] need mon[e]y I <witness> let him have some. and took some jewelry as security. soon after— a man from across the river came after the jewelry had stolen it from him. orloaneditofhim.—
at anothr time wanted to get money— he should enlist in bogus making asked meif <witn[e]ss> if he would do any thing dishon[o]rable. to get.— a living— said he would not.— <said> he <witness> was a <damd> fool he could get a living a deal easier than then he was then doing— <by making Bogus—> some men high in th[e] chu[r]ch were engaged in the business— <witness asked if it was Joseph— No said . I dare not tell it to Joseph> butnotJoseph. Witness understood, the Laws were engaged in it— < said he> would be the death of witness of if he ever went to Joseph or any one to tell of what he had said
Bill of for $4.00 read— & $1.50 allowed therere [thereof]
2 " 12 mi names called. no quorum coun[c]il adjnd for one hour
3 oclock 7. minutes.—
< recived his oath of office & took his seat in the coun[c]il>
moved.— that Counseller be suspended <from his office as city counciller> until his case can be investivated for slandering the this <council and that the notify him [o]f his suspensins [suspension] and that his case wou[l]d be investigated at the next regular session of the> Council— 2d by— — and carrid—
.— Expressd his feelings that had helped make the ordinanc[e]s of the and neverr lifted his voice again[s]t them. in the council.— and was now trying to dest[ro]y th[o]se same ordin[ance]s & the charter [p. 14]