Mortgage to Mead, Stafford & Co., 11 July 1837, as Recorded in Geauga County Deeds
Source Note
JS, , , , , and , Mortgage for property in , Geauga Co., OH, to Zalmon H. Mead, Robert Mead, and Jonas Stafford of Mead, Stafford & Co., 11 July 1837. Version copied 20 July 1837 in Geauga Co., OH, Deed Record, vol. 24, pp. 213–214; handwriting of ; Geauga County Archives and Records Center, Chardon, OH. Includes seals.
to remain in full force and Virtue in Law; and it is further expressly understood that the said Zalmon H Mead, Jonas Stafford and Robert W. Mead, are not to take possession of or dispose of the property above described until the said Eighth day of July A D 1840, when said last mentioned note becomes due, provided however & it is expressly Stipulated that in case we the said Joseph Smith Junior, . & or either or any of us shall at anytime, attempt to remove, or sell, or dispose of any of the property aforesaid then it shall be competent for the said Zalmon H Mead Jonas Stafford and Robert W. Mead and they are hereby authorized & empowered forthwith to take possession of and sell convey and dispose of all and singular the property rights and credits aforesaid in such manner and to such persons and on such terms as they shall see fit In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this Eliventh day of July A D 1837.
seal Joseph Smith Jr Seal
The mummies and ancient Writings now in Said are excepted from the above assignment because they are not owned by me or any <of the> other makers of the foregoing instrument— July 11th. 1837
Joseph Smith Jr seal
Whereas there is a doubt whether by the terms of the above assignment the said Makers of said assignment are not precluded from giving to any other person or persons a Mortgage on the above premises, we hereby declare; that it is not the intention of the abve consignment that any mortgage given by said makers on the same property shall not— construed as a Sale or disposition of said property so as to authorize us to take possession of and sell dispose of & convey the same prior to said Eighth day of July A D 1840. but we do not hereby waive any legal performance which the above Sale and assignment give us to any subsequent Mortgages of the same property. July 11th. 1837
Mead Stafford & Co
Recd. July 14th. 1837, at 9 O,Clock P. M. & Recorded July 20th. 1837. Recorder [p. 214]