, Notice, Lake Co., OH, 1 May 1844, Russell v. JS et al. (Lake Co., OH, Court of Common Pleas 1844). “Sheriff Sale” in Painesville (OH) Telegraph, 8 May 1844, [3].
SHERIFF SALE— In obedience to the command of an order of sale, issued by the of the Court of Common Pleas of said County, at the suit of vs. Joseph Smith, Jr et. al, to me directed and delivered, I shall expose to public sale at the court house, in the township of , in said county, on the 11th day of June next, between the hours of ten o’clock A M and four o’clock P M of said day, the following real estate, to wit: Situate in the township of , Lake County, Ohio, and is known as lot 13 and parts of 12 and 14, in tract number 2, and is bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at the south west corner of land then owned and occupied by , thence east on said line to lands owned by Mr. Hyde; thence south on said Hyde’s line to lot 13, thence east and south by said Hyde to the public highway: thence southerly and westerly along said highway to the meeting house lot; thence northerly to the line of lot No. 13; thence to the south west corner of said lot 13; thence along the public highway, leading from to , to the place of begining, containing one hundred and thirty two acres and four hundreths of an acre.