An Ordinance regulating Auctions in the City of .—
<RepealedMay 14th 1842>
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of , that no Person or Persons whatsoever shall, after the publication of this act, sell or expose to sale by way of vendue, or auction, any Property, Real or Personal, within the City of , unless such Person or Persons shall reside within the said , & first obtain a License for the purpose from the Mayor, for which such Person or Persons shall pay to the Corporation, not exceeding one hundred Dollars, and give Bond to the Mayor and Council, with two good Securities, in the Sum of one Thousand Dollars, for the honest and due performance of all the Duties required by Law.
Sec. 2. That if any Person or Persons shall be found selling or disposing of any Property real or personal within the City of , by way of vendue, or Auction, without having obtained such License, & given such Security, as aforesaid, such Person or Persons so offending, & being thereof lawfully convicted, shall forfeit & pay to the corporation, the sum of Twenty five Dollars for every Lot which he or they shall have <so> Sold.
Sec. 3. That the Auctioneer or Auctioneers licensed as aforesaid, shall receive all Articles which he or they shall be required to sell at auction, giving his or their receipt for the same, if required, and within Ten Days after any Sale made, shall deliver a fair account of the same, & pay the amount thereof to the Person or Persons entitled thereto, deducting therefrom, the Fees & Commissions hereafter allowed, that is to say, on the Amount of [p. 54]