Nauvoo City Council, Draft of Preamble and Resolutions, , Hancock Co., IL, 13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and ; docket in handwriting of ; five pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, 1841–1845, CHL.
* It may yet become a question to be decided by the Community, whether the Mormons will, after having witnessed their best men murdered without redress, quietly, and patiently, suffer their enemies to wrench from them all <their last shreds of> their constitutional rights: and whether they will not make their city one great Sepulchre, rather than be the humble devotees at the shrine of mobocracy—
<3rd> Resolved that it is our opinion that very many Scround Scoundrels Such as thieves, Robbers, Bogus Makers, counterfeiters, and Murdersers, have been induced to flock into the county from reports published in the Warsow Signal to flock into this to carry on in order to carry on their evil practices knowing that it would be imediately charged upon the Mormons and thereby they escap <in>notbeingsuspected and altho we think that the reports have been of Thefts have been very much exaggerated yet we know from dear bought experience that such things do exist and further we doubt not that ther may be some such characters prowling in deed about our [p. [5]]