Recommendation for Wilford Woodruff, 3 June 1839, as Recorded in Woodruff, Journal
Source Note
, , and JS, Recommendation, for , , Adams Co., IL, 3 June 1839. Version copied [ca. June 1839] in Wilford Woodruff, Journal, vol. 2, 1 Jan. 1838–31 Dec. 1839, [89]; handwriting of ; Wilford Woodruff Journals and Papers, 1828–1898, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Discourse, 7 July 1839, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff.
Recommendation for Wilford Woodruff, 3 June 1839, as Recorded in Woodruff, Journal
Page [89]
To the Saints Scattered abroad, to the Nations of Europe, and to the World
Be it known unto you that is fully authorized to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ & his testimony can be relied on, he is a man of unexceptionable character and received his authority & from under the hands of the Presidincy authorities of the who was called by actual revelation from from God therefore God will bless him and bear record by his power thereby confirming his word & ministry